"Conservation is not left, right or center — it’s common sense." -National Audubon Society
We were waiting November to come at "El Bosque del Apache" to celebrate the Festival of the Cranes. In this special occasion we came with my mother who was visiting us from Peru.
Bosque del Apache is known as one of the most spectacular refuges in North America. Each autumn, tens of thousands of birds - including sandhill cranes, Arctic geese and ducks - make the refuge their winter home. The air is filled with honking of geese and guttural call of cranes. Flocks of snow geese abandon their feeding grounds when frightened by a stalking coyote or eagle. At dusk, flights of geese and cranes return to roost tin the marshes or on the Rio Grande.
As my dear Mercedes Sosa said in her song... "Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto".
Happy Thanksgiving, Gloria